Sunday, December 12, 2010


Joe and I have some exciting news to share: We're getting a puppy!

The above photo is our little guy, at about 5 weeks old.  We named him Bacon.  We pretend he's already home with us, so we get used to the idea.  We already know that he is awesome.

He is a Boston Terrier, and will someday look a little like this:
We recently talked to our landlord and got approval to add this little addition to our family.  We researched breeds that are appropriate for apartments, and this breed seemed like a good fit.  Of course, we'll have to be really diligent about training him, crating him when we are away, and taking measures to reduce any barking, etc that may bother the neighbors. Allegedly, Boston's do not bark a whole lot, but you never know. Since our neighbors have woken us up a couple of times with band practice at 3 AM, we're hoping that they will be cool about the first couple of nights (which we hear are the worst).

I spent a lot of time identifying an appropriate breeder (there are a lot of scary ones out there), and found one that seems really professional and seems to care a lot about her puppies.  She's been sending weekly updates since we chose him a couple of weeks ago.

We'll be bringing Bacon home around the New Year.  We are just so excited! For now, I'm working on rearranging things in our apartment to "puppy-proof" to the best of my ability.  This has also motivated me to finish up some projects around the apartment, so be ready for some posts about those!

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