Saturday, February 12, 2011

My absence

Dear Rowdy,
Thanks for letting me come to your house to play.  You taught me that I shouldn't bite.  My parents really like that.
Your friend,

Hi all!  I think I'm just going to pretend that I didn't disappear from the blogosphere for a month.  I'll just jump right back in, like nothing ever happened...after this post.

The past month has been pretty busy, since Joe resumed classes and added some responsibilities as the president of the GBA (Graduate Business Association, for those non-MBA folks out there).  I'm still working full time, cooking dinner (usually from scratch) each evening, staying on top of the housekeeping as best I can, and spending lots of time with Bacon.

By the way, Bacon is doing great.  He's probably the best decision we've ever made together (aside from the marriage thing). He's so fun, cute, and cuddly!  He keeps us on our toes with puppy-proofing and training. He also loves our attention, so when he's not sleeping, he wants to be with one of us and he generally wants to be playing or in a lap.  Thus, things like blogging get put on the back burner...

At the moment, he's enjoying a long nap in his crate. Today was the second-to-last class of "Puppy I," which is always super-fun and super-exhausting.  He's still the class clown, but he's really well liked. Especially by the kids in the class. One of them brought a camera to take pictures of Bacon today.  Four of them asked if they could get Bacon to "sit" and give him a treat.  Yes, please! We read that, up until 14 weeks old, puppies get optimal benefit from socialization. The more he's exposed to different kinds of people and animals no, the better.  That includes kids, which is great, since we plan to have a couple of those within Bacon's lifetime.  Get ready, Bacon! You won't be our "baby" forever, sorry to say!

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