know that Joe picked out our new apartment, and that I have not seen it. I will not be seeing the place until move-in day, eek!
I have photos of several rooms, but I don't have any of the bathroom. Joe tells me that it's "just a bathroom," and that there really isn't anything memorable about it. I have no idea what the fixtures look like, what type of flooring is there, or even how much space we will have. He thinks that the sink, toilet, and shower are white (I'm hoping). In spite of my lack of information about the space, I've been looking at some various ideas for the decor.

The paint color I am leaning toward is a Benjamin Moore paint called "Silver half dollar." Check it out here. It is a soft silvery gray that I think will be soothing and neutral.
To the right is the shower curtain I've selected. Joe loves sticks as decoration, so he immediately agreed
I'm thinking of placing a small fern in a dark pot on the top of the toilet tank.
At the moment, we have towels in a light blue and a light green, which I think will work with these items. I would add some succulents if there is space (I think there is a radiator in there, if so, I would build a shelf on top of it and place a few there). I'd love to hear your opinions about the choices! Any additional ideas would be welcomed, as always!